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Join Kundalini Yoga teachers and ancient ritual practitioners Suzi Jowsey and Amanda Duke for an immersive evening of relaxed tranquillity and self-care through the meditative nature of sound.

To facilitate a truly deep experience, we begin with a small amount of gentle movement - no experience required – to then be bathed in and restored by blissful vibrations created by 3 large gongs, crystal bowls, drums, chimes, voice and ancient shamanic instruments..

Suzi and Amanda join forces here bringing together a fined-tuned evening of restorative sound vibration and movement.
Suzi began her spiritual journey with Kundalini Yoga and Meditation (an ancient Raj and Kriya based practice involving breath, movement and mantra) back in the mid 90s with UK based teacher Guru Dharam whom she still trains with when possible. With her Sun Gong and drum now permanent fixtures in all her classes, Suzi loves to share how this yoga combined with sound practices/philosophies can be positively life changing, in her case as a householder, writer, yoga teacher and documentary film director.

Amanda had a realisation during her first Gong Therapy in 2017 that she was only limited by that which she knew – from that experience anything became possible. With a passion for sharing techniques and tools with others to use in their everyday life to cope with lifes ups and downs, Amanda works in the Heart Space – the bridge between the Etheric and Earthly parts of our being, and loves to fuse this Heart Work with Sound Therapy, Yoga, Meditative Practices and other Ancient Healing Practices.

If eating prior to the event then do so having a light meal/snack at least 1 hour (ideally 2) before you come and please arrive a little early to set yourself up. Yoga Ground supplies mats, blankets and bolsters but do feel free use your own if you prefer. Wear comfortable loose clothing and bring a water bottle and let us know of any injuries or concerns on arrival. But rest assured that the exercise will be light and is part of the process for going into a deep meditation and relaxation. Throughout you will be offered options for making the movement easier and you are welcome to adjust postures to suit your body, or simply ‘sit out’ the yoga segment if preferred.

Investment: $39

Please note: This event must be booked in advance. It sells out and has a 72-hour cancellation policy. No refunds will be provided after this time or for no-shows on the day.